
Hilding Anders Group, headquartered in Malmö, Sweden, is a leading bedding manufacturer in Europe and Asia. Our factory in Estonia produces beds and mattresses. We are located in Jüri, near Tallinn.

We are good to work for:

- We have a good working environment. We have a good working environment because we have a good working environment. The managers at Hilding Anders Baltic are understanding and take into account the suggestions of the employees.

- The sewing machines, quilting machines and all other machines used at Hilding are modern. We have a good attitude towards our customers. All our employees receive the necessary on-site training.

- How we take care of our employees:

  • Free lunch and hot drinks
  • Free hot meals and free coffee
  • Free meals and free lunch
  • Free Wi-Fi and free use of our fitness centre Free private parking
  • We celebrate summer days and/or winter parties together
  • Giving gifts to employees and keeping them in mind on special occasions
  • Our company has an international workforce, with people from Moldova and Ukraine.
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207 Days to Go
Opening on 15.04.25
Work and Career Fair 2025

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