
We are the expert of blockchain-based software and intelligent integrated control system.

We creates seamless social safety net with Institutional Framework and CT Technology.

Our first mission is creating social safety net against drunk driving.

We are the expert of blockchain-based software and intelligent integrated control system. So, our system is safe by Blockchain and easily embed to the system you current use. Also, our breathalyzer is very compact and accurate(certified by KoROAD,Korea Road Authority).

We are creating social safety net that make the society safer and increase effiency of your company by reducing costs from accident and labor's conditions.

Conventional accurate breathalyzer is quiet big and unsanitary, but our device is very small and cheap, very hygenic because it can be used individually. Our system takes a photo for the identification, so reliable breathalyzing  is possible although the manager absent. And monitring all measurement is in real time. And thermometer works the same way.

Other company does not have the system or devices for this purpose. And our photo taking identification is patent.

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B111, 5th Building, Kyungsung University 309, Suyeong-ro, Nam-gu, Busan


B111, 5th Building, Kyungsung University 309, Suyeong-ro, Nam-gu, Busan

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